Beyond Boudoir Photography

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Christmas is coming…

Darcy the Dragon.

…And, if you—like Darcy the Dragon—are wondering what you should do, and you were thinking “Maybe I should get my significant other a book of sexy pictures of me,” might I first say, excellent decision. Slightly different than what Darcy chose to do, but still, excellent choice.

But then, might I warn you not to delay any longer? I just got the note from my album company that Christmas deadlines are coming up in just over a month, and we still haven’t done the shoot.

I know, I know. It hasn’t even snowed yet, and here we are talking Christmas, but it’s the north, and you know how fast it can go from “here I am in the river taking pictures,” to “snow.” (I have some pictures from a couple years back of someone in the river the very day before it snowed. The weather is nothing if not prone to change.)

Not to worry. First thing to do is to set up a consult. We can sit and talk and come up with an idea that works for you, as well as a date to shoot your images. Then pick out your favourites, put them in an album, send that off to get printed and Bob’s your uncle, as they say. He’s certainly not mine. (Brian, yes. Bob, no.)