The experience of giving the experience

Last time about, I talked about the experience of giving and the giving of an experience. But what does that mean? What does that look like? For people raised on Tickle Me Elmo or Bratz or whatever the hot toy was when you were a kid, it’s hard to imagine what an experience looks like. For some of you, it may be easy. For some of you, it’s not. This is not a complete list, of course, but a starting point and a way to get you thinking. Many of these ideas have been pilfered from about the internet. My focus is on significant others, or at least adult friends that you don’t mind being silly and maybe a little (or a lot) sexy with, but if you’re looking for more ideas, or gifts for families and friends, you can look here and here and here.

This is a list in progress. If you have a suggestion for an experience I missed, please, send me an email.

Learn how to dance. Sure, you might’ve gone out to the club a few times, but do you know how to Two Step? Salsa? Cha Cha? Dale Tosczak does, and he’s willing to teach you. Check out Alberta’s Comprehensive Dance Academy for group classes or private lessons.

Dale teaches out of Bliss be Fit, and if you’re looking for a different kind of dancing, you can check out their Pole Dance classes. Admittedly, this will probably more a spectator sport for one person, but who said watching couldn’t be an experience? Or, if you’re looking for something that you can take home that will be a little more interactive, they also offer lap dance classes.

Learn a new skill: Remember that scene in Ghost with the pottery wheel? Well, you probably can’t pull that off, but you could learn the basics of pottery at the Centre for Creative Arts. Or learn how to paint. Or carve soapstone. Find out all the courses here.

Or, if you prefer your art with some libations, Better than Freds offers a paint and party night.

Share your skills. It can be easy to overlook our own skills and what we have to offer. Are you an experienced baker? Know how to make soap? Can you play piano? You could give out gift certificates for courses with you.

Of course, you can also give out other gift certificates, too, ranging from romantic to raunchy and silly to sexy. “This certificate is good for one evening in the back of a pick-up truck to look at the stars.” “This certificate is good for one full body massage.” “This certificate is good for…” well, you get the idea.

Couples massage: The trouble with giving your partner a massage is you have to do all the work. Which isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes you want to share the experience of being massaged together. Vine Luxury spa offers couples massage for that perfect, relaxing day out.

Make dinner together. Or bake a cake. Naked, if you like.

Have a staycation. You don’t have to travel to get away. There are dozens of hotels, bed and breakfasts and air bnbs in town. (I really like this one…) Take a weekend and spend it somewhere where you don’t have to worry about washing the dishes.

Of course, if you expand your definition of local to include, say, Jasper, things can get really interesting.

Play a game. Board games had a revival with Settler’s of Catan, and in the 25 years since that was published, there have been hundreds of creative board games published. A personal favourite is Quacks of Quedlinburg, but there are so many out there to choose from.

If you don’t want to play traditional board games, you can find some more … interesting and interactive options, like Loopy.

Get something with a remote: If you know what I mean.

Make Ice cream sundaes. Hot fudge, whip cream, candy sprinkles. I mean, the script just writes itself. Don’t forget the actual ice cream. Or, do. I’m not the boss of you.

Go to a concert: Sure, the Offspring are coming in February. And that’s great. But there are some amazing local bands, too, and spending $50 on drinks at a club to catch a local band will do more for there career than spending twice that to catch a big-name band, and who knows? You might be able to say things like “I caught Nirvana on their Bleach Tour before anyone knew who they were.” This is totally not a plug for my own band… And yes, if you love Offspring, you can go see them, too.

Go skating. When was the last time you went skating down at Musko? Or skating at all? Go, have fun and enjoy. And then you can find interesting ways to warm up afterwards….

Listen to a book together. I’m a big fan of listening to books, as my eyes can’t read the small print in books these days. You can get a subscription to Audible, if you like, but might I recommend Libby? You can borrow thousands of books for free with your library card. Don’t have a library card? They’re free, too. There’s nothing quite like laying in bed on the weekend, listening to a book.

Be charitable together. Sometimes, you two can give of your time and energy to make the world a better place. Support a local charity. Help feed the hungry. Sponsor a child. Do something together for someone else.

Go forth, give of yourself and make memories.


The gift of you…

